Zero Waste Meals Recipe Box – Vegtastic Crumble – 4 portions


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A fantastic veggie Sunday lunch alternative – serve with greens and gravy! Gluten Free and Vegan.

◊ Cost per portion: £1.75

◊ Cooking time: 1 hour 30 mins total

◊ Difficulty Level: Schmedium

◊ Servings: 4 (use the drop down box to double up!)

◊ No packing fee for Zero Waste Meals

You box includes:

  • 1 recipe card with detailed instructions
  • Zero plastic
  • Gluten free plain flour
  • Gluten free oats
  • Nutritional yeast
  • 2 parsnips —-> currently substituted with sweet potato updated 4.05.21
  • 1/2 butternut squash or small butternut squash
  • 3-4 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • a seasoning blend of rosemary, thyme and garlic powder.

Not included, but required:

  • Cooking oil (preferably rapeseed oil – use the drop down menu to add to your order)
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste

Optional extras (use the drop down box to add to your box)

  • Broccoli to steam on the side
  • Vegan gravy powder

This meal is dairy-free, vegan and gluten free. However, it has been packed on a premises that handles wheat, soya, nuts, peanuts, celery, mustard and sesame.