Zero Waste Christmas – Grand Christmas Cake kit



Impress your Christmas dinner guests with this luxuriously rich Snowflake Grand Christmas Cake! Ingredients weigh nearly 2kg.

Start making your cake early November for best results!

◊ Cost per piece: £0.44 – £0.86 depending on portion slices.

◊ Prep time: 1 hour plus overnight soaking (12 hours)

◊ Cooking time: 3 hours 45mins

◊ Difficulty Level: SCHMEDIUM

◊ Servings: 15 portions or up to 30 small portions

◊ No packing fee for Zero Waste Meals

You box includes:

  • Recipe card with detailed instructions
  • Mixed dried fruit – sultanas, raisins, currants
  • Glace cherries & candied peel
  • Soft light brown sugar
  • Flour & Spice mix – Organic Flour, ground almond flour and spice mix (organic cinnamon, ground nutmeg)
  • Organic Icing sugar
  • 4 free range eggs
  • Snowflake template stencil

Additions to your kit for £3:

  • Lemon (rind only). Please note we only have waxed lemons available, although the wax is safe to eat, we recommend you de-wax it before grating.
  • 250g Local Butter from Ludlow (25g extra for greasing the tin)

Not included, but required:

  • pinch of salt
  • 150ml brandy plus extra for feeding
  • baking parchment and foil

This recipe contains nuts and wheat and has been packed on premises that handle, soya, peanuts, celery, mustard and sesame.

This kit is available for postal orders – please note we will not include the eggs (discounted kit by £1.50) but we charge £4.50 for post and packaging. The additions for adding butter and lemon will not be possible. Please select ‘postal’ at the checkout and specidy delivery address. A payment link will be emailed to you.

All our ZWMeal range kits contains zero plastic and minimal recyclable packaging.