REFILL Organic Sunflower Oil (250ml) bring back your bottle



This listing is for REFILL Organic Sunflower Oil (250ml) in the specified bottle that was bought from us previously.

Please note we are not accepting any other bottles to be refilled other than specified at this time.

You will be asked to wash your hands and sanitise the exterior of the bottle (sanitiser and paper towels provided) before handing it over to a member of staff. Thank you!

Ingredient Listing
100% Organic Sunflower oil, linoleic

Descriptor (name)
Organic refined (RBDW) linoleic sunflower oil

Country of Origin

General Product Details Shelf Life and Storage Instructions
Shelf life from date of production
18 months
Shelf life once opened
Balance of shelf life when stored as recommended

Storage instructions
Store in a cool place away from sources of heat and light

Recommended storage instructions when opened
Store in a cool place away from sources of heat and light
This information is based in a review of specifications system with the help of producers and suppliers to ensure that the information contained within the specifications document is relevant and meets the various requirements of our customer and complies to FIR