DIY BEESWAX WRAP WORKSHOP – plus 10% off store discount



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DIY BEESWAX WRAP – £20 PLUS 10% off your in-store shopping!

16.08.21   6.00pm to 7.15pm

Why use beeswax wraps over cling film?

Well it’s a no brainer really…more than 1.2 billion metres, equating to 745,000 miles, of cling film is used by households across Britain every year – that’s enough to go around the circumference of the world over 30 times! Imagine the amount that this is adding to plastic pollution; not to mention the concerns of plastic on human health, with chemicals from plastic leaching into our food! Beeswax is naturally antibacterial, we add jojoba oil and pine resin to give it its extra stickiness! Simply mould over items you want to wrap – just like cling film!

We will be demonstrating how to make the winning recipe and you will be cutting and applying it on your selected piece of 100% cotton fabric (there will be various designs to choose from). Achieving a zero waste lifestyle is, of course, a long journey but small steps, like using wax wraps instead of cling film, is a step in the right direction – and it’s fun to make too!

You will be provided with all the equipment and materials – in addition we will offer a complimentary iced raspberry lemonade tea for you to enjoy during your session! Although we can provide fabric but we recommend you bring your own old 100% cotton textiles to upcycle and transform into something useful!

You will be able to take home: one large  beeswax wrap or a medium and a small.

The workshop is suitable for ages 12 and above, however children under 16 years old will require accompaniment by a parent/guardian ticker holder.

We have not perfected a recipe for a vegan alternative wrap, we will unfortunately not be able to offer this option for this workshop. Please note our beeswax ingots are locally sourced from beekeeper Tim at Bee9 and is composed of a mixture of Worcestershire and Custard Factory rooftop wax.

If you would like to shop with us during your visit – we will be open for half an hour before your session for you to take advantage of your in-store 10% off discount.

To keep everyone safe without affecting your macramé experience, the following safety measures will be in place:

* Face mask to be encouraged whilst moving around the space – your instructor (Jeanette) will be wearing a face mask if within 1 metre of you.
* Max 7 participants
* Sanitising stations on entry and within the space.
* Please note there will be some shared equipment which will be sanitised frequently.
* Please do not attend a workshop if you have experienced any symptoms of Covid-19 within 14 days prior to attending, or if have been in contact with anyone else who has had symptoms within the past 14 days.

To purchase a ticket, please head to

Select the desired time slot, checkout online and select ‘Workshop E-ticket’ for the delivery method and we will send you a payment link to your email. Alternatively, please purchase your e-ticket in store at either our Bournville or Digbeth shop – limited tickets available.

We look forward to meeting you!